'Every Farm Tells a Story' (Jerry Apps, March 2005)

The Jeremiah Study Bible, NKJV: Jacketed Hardcover: What It Says. What It Means. What It Means For You. David Jeremiah] on Amazon.com. Facebook Image Twitter Image Youtube Image DavidJeremiah.org. Turning Point is the broadcast ministry of Dr. David Jeremiah. A supplemental resource to The Jeremiah Study Bible, jeremiahstudybible.com offers a growing repository of articles, audio, and video by Dr. David Jeremiah. David jeremiah study bible download.

Running a Wisconsin dairy farm in the days before electricity or indoor plumbing, Jerry’s family used kerosene lanterns, gasoline engines, a team of draft horses, and a homemade tractor converted from a truck. During Jerry’s growing-up years, he witnessed the second great revolution in farming—the arrival of electric lines to rural areas, running water in barns, and new farm machines like tractors, balers, and combines.

Illustrated with 50 vintage advertisements from catalogs and farm journals, 'Every Farm Tells a Story' traces that revolution by way of costs for everything from the family’s first Sears, Roebuck and Co. milking machine to the used telephone pole that supported their first electric yard light.

'Farm Kid' (Justin Isherwood, 2005)

Tales of growing up in rural America.' From hay legs to farm cats, Isherwood, one of Wisconsin's most accomplished rural writers, captures the romance, spirit and humor of growing up on a farm.

'Country Ways and Country Days: From Windvanes and Tractors to Auctions and Outhouses: Remembering Rural Life' (Jerry Apps, July 2005)

Tales of a Heritage Farm (Anny Scoones, 2004)

Glamorgan Farm in North Saanich, B.C., Canada is one of the oldest farms on Vancouver Island. Author and owner Anny Scoones rescued the original farm buildings from near-destruction and has carefully restored them. The barns now house rare breeds of livestock, while the gardens and orchards flourish with heirloom plants and vegetables. In a collection of stories, told with clear-eyed observation and gentle humour, Scoones conveys some of the challenges, joys and griefs involved in preserving the farm for future generations to enjoy. She also explains how a period of solitary imprisonment in Russia led to her purchase of the farm and to the philosophy that underlies her way of life there.

'Humor from the Country' (Jerry Apps; 2001)

This is a collection of anecdotes and stories looking at the lighter side of country living. With stories based upon childhood memories, Apps reveals that country folk always knew how to have fun between their chores. Blending nostalgia with his own special brand of storytelling, Jerry Apps's Humor From The Country is a 'must' for anyone who enjoys a trip down memory lane with a truly gifted guide.

'When Chores Were Done' (Jerry Apps; January 1999)

This is a collection of stories about rural life in the 1940s and 1950s as seen through the eyes of a child. From working with draft horses to doing chores, from reminiscences of outhouses to learning cusswords, Apps reveals how warm, loving, and supremely educational growing up on a farm could be.


'The Land Remembers' (Ben Logan; 25th Anniversary edition; 1999)

'All Things Wise and Wonderful' (James Herriot; 1998)

'All Creatures Great and Small' (James Herriot; 1998)

'The Lord God Made Them All' (James Herriot; 1998)

'Cheese: The Making of a Wisconsin Tradition' (Jerry Apps; April 1998)

'Rural Wisdom: Time-Honored Values of the Midwest' (Jerry Apps; 1997)

'One Room Country School' (Jerry Apps; 1996)

'James Herriot’s Cat Stories' (James Herriot; 1994)

'Every Living Thing' (James Herriot; 1993)

'Once Upon a Farm' (Lois Stark; 1992)

'James Herriot’s Dog Stories' (James Herriot; 1990)

'Farmer Boy' (Laura Ingalls Wilder; 1953)

'On the Banks of Plum Creek' (Laura Ingalls Wilder; 1953)

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'By the Shores of Silver Lake' (Laura Ingalls Wilder; 1953)

'Little House on the Prairie' (Laura Ingalls Wilder; 1953)

'Little House in the Big Woods' (Laura Ingalls Wilder; 1953)

'The Long Winter' (Laura Ingalls Wilder; 1953)

'Little Town on the Prairie' (Laura Ingalls Wilder; 1953)

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